Friday, December 22, 2017

Episode 30 (the one recorded on Daniel's phone)

Greetings, again, listeners! Yeah, we know. It took us a very long time to finally upload this one. You know how it goes... sometimes life throws little things in your path, one after another, just to distract you. :)

This episode was recorded with one of our regular USB microphones plugged into Daniel's phone. It didn't turn out too horribly. Next time we'll use the other mic, it might sound better.

We talked about our run streaks this time. And old family traditions. And we reminisced a little.

Overall, a really low-key atmosphere for episode number thirty. You hear that?, episode number thirty!! Other podcasts die out after five or ten episodes, but not us! :D

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Email us with questions or comments or discussion topics. Or anything. At all. For reals. Email us. :)

Ending music from Purple Planet.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Episode 29 (songs, phones, bigfoot, and some other random stuff)

Ok... so... it's been a while. Sorry. :)

In this episode, we talked a little bit about a bunch of stuff. Songs, phones, bigfoot, and other random stuff that I honestly don't remember what we said. I'll need to listen again. I'm pretty sure each of us said things that probably should be edited out, but... whatever. :)

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Email us with questions or comments or discussion topics. Or anything. At all.

Ending music from Purple Planet.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Episode 28 (Oregon trip and eclipse)

It's been a long time since we last recorded! This time we talk mostly about John's trip to Oregon, and Daniel's eclipse campout.

Sorry about the weird mic noise... when John has had a couple of drinks, he starts playing with it instead of just talking into it. :)

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Email us with questions or comments or discussion topics. Or anything. At all.

Ending music from Purple Planet.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Episode 27 (serious talk about "yeti," if you know what I mean)

Hello, listeners! We love all of you!

In this episode, we joke a little about some things. Then we get serious and talk about people who refuse to even consider ideas that challenge their own established ones... like yeti with red-brown hair instead of white hair.

Hopefully, John's vacation goes well! Come back in one piece so we can do episode 28 when you get back. :)

Email us and give us something to talk about. You're joining us on our side of the road, so you can participate a little more in the conversation. :)

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Email us with questions or comments. Or anything. At all.

Ending music from Purple Planet.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Episode 26 (well.. Episode 25 part 2)

One quick note: Between the time that John drops his mic and the studio dog Bruno knocks some stuff off the table, John's mic cuts out. He sounds a little distant because it's just Daniel's mic picking him up about five feet away. Sorry. Daniel will duct-tape the mic connections next time. :)

This episode we continued our conversation that we started last episode (the long conversation that was lost when... well... you know... you've seen the Facebook post about how we lost that one episode).

We discuss things like post-apocalyptic society, musicians who don't look like what they sounds like, and things Daniel just can't go along with.

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Email us with questions or comments. Or anything. At all.

Ending music from Purple Planet.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Episode 25, for reals this time (well... part 1)

For those of you who saw the facebook post, you'll know that the last time we tried to record episode 25, it failed. This is our second attempt, and it worked! (mostly) We had to record in a different location, so it sounds a little different. But it's done, and we're running with it! ...Well... Part 1, anyway. :) We'll get part 2 recorded soon.

In this episode, we talk about what we'd do with limited time left (a day, a week, a month, a year).

We also talk about larping.

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Email us with questions or comments. Or anything. At all.

Ending music from Purple Planet.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Episode 24 (bucket lists)

Greetings, Listeners! In this episode, Daniel started out by talking about a good family reunion he had. And thennnnnnnnn...

Someone asked for it, so we delivered! This episode we talk a little bit about our respective bucket lists. We talked about the Ford '05 GT, a Camaro, visiting a haunted place, living in Oregon, having a quiet nature anti-civilization bubble space, working on the ocean, and learning German.

During that time, we also got distracted talking about the peeing scene in Get Smart, a "dolphipegasunicorn" drawing, the floppy disk drive save sound, Michael McDonald, meditating and basic training, and a little bit about our next episode.

If you have any complaints, suggestions, praise, or money, you can send it to us via email, facebook, or in person.

(click here to just download the audio manually)

(one person told me their podcast app has a problem downloading our album art, so if one more person has the same problem I'll look into putting the album art somewhere else, as a test)

Email us with questions or comments.

Ending music from Purple Planet.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Episode 23 (from wet shoes to shaving)

Welcome, listeners! This episode, we discuss such deep and philosophical topics as running with wet shoes, a toilet thump, noun genders, hydrogen engines, life achievement pins, and shaving. All your wildest dreams will come true.

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Email us with questions or comments.

Ending music from Purple Planet.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Episode 22 (lovin' Chinese, satin, R movies, and some more sponsors)

Greetings, listeners! In this unscripted episode 22, we stumble along talking about:
- a woman who sounds like she really likes listening to people talk Chinese to her
- squeezing satin (not a euphemism)
- some R movies
- some not-R movies
- some running of races
- and some new sponsors.
We also somehow manage to start talking about boobies here and there... not sure how...

We're going to try to get a new computer for recording (have everything ready, except for the money). And we're going to try to stay seated so that it doesn't sound weird.

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Email us with questions or comments.

Ending music from Purple Planet.

Here is the great Khan, with the famous line that Daniel tried to quote:

Monday, April 3, 2017

Episode 21 (sasquatch, Yahoo Serious, batbadger, boobies)

Hey, thanks for joining us again this episode! We didn't notice your smell at all. :)

This episode we talked about a bunch of stuff: pretzels, folklore, cryptids (like sasquatch and chupacabra), Yahoo Serious, M. Night Shyamalan movies, the famed batbadger, and we mentioned boobies once.

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Email us with questions or comments.

Ending music from Purple Planet.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Episode 20 (yesterday, today, tomorrow, and pho)

Hey, esteemed listeners! We finally got out another episode! And, guess what?... It's episode 20! (a fact that we totally didn't think to mention in the audio)

This episode is primarily about a topic called "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow." And we talk about pho, too.

Anyway, I wasn't quite so picky about adjusting the volume on every little spike this time, so it's being released only two days after we recorded! We hope you enjoy it.

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Email us with questions or comments.

Intro and ending music from Purple Planet.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Episode 19 (snacks, other places, and running)

Wow. I think that's the longest I've taken to finish cleaning and uploading an episode! That's embarrassing!

As a special treat for being so patient with us, you get to listen to us talking about our favorite snacks. And you get to listen to us eating our favorite snacks! Wait... where are you all going? You don't want to hear... wait, come back!

We had a lot of fun with this episode. And that's the only reason we're doing it. Do what you love, even if it gives other people the heebie-jeebies, right? :)

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Monday, February 13, 2017

Episode 18 (favorite places)

Welcome, folks! We had a lot of fun recording this one. We talk about our favorite places in our house, our town, the Treasure Valley, and Idaho. We also tease about other states as well.

Below is some stuff that we talk about in the episode. If you have a favorite place, let us know! Email us, or comment on Facebook.

(click here to just download the audio manually)

This is John's Hungry Ridge photo. Looks too good to be real.

Here is a view northward from Daniel's current favorite trail to hike; and the one ugly thing mentioned:

One correction, though. On Google Maps, the earliest imagery you can see it in is from 2013, not the 90's. :)

Here's Pacific City. Looks like a good place to visit.

Here is the rocky corridor from Daniel's second favorite hiking spot, with a view of the river behind you:

Here's Indian Creek ("Indian Ditch") running through Kuna. It's a relaxing place to visit.

Here's that video of that dude who didn't realize that everyone and their dog could hear the pr0nlolz on his computer:

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Episode 17 (snow wrecks, misc, running, and strumming)

Hey, kids! It's that time again!

We hope you enjoy this episode at least as much as when someone says, "Oh, you don't have to pay for that, it's free!"   :)

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Episode 16 (big trucks, little weeners, positivity, and streaking)

That's right, folks! Music from Purple Planet is way better than my guitar shirt!

Welcome to Episode 16, esteemed listeners! No guests this time. But, that's ok. We're here, and you're here. And that's all we need. :)

(click here to just download the audio manually)

Music was from Purple Planet Music, which was of slightly better quality than my guitar shirt. Trust me on this.