Thursday, August 25, 2016

Episode 6 (bathroom repairs and songs with feels)

'Sup, folks! Here we are again, with another episode! Welcome to our side of the road!

This time we talk about bathroom repairs, Seven Devils, and songs that get you in the feels. Is there one song that gets dust in your eye? Let us know in the comments, or email us.

We're going to be recording for some home-made music clips (for the beginning and end of the episodes). This one gives you just a little taste!

(or just click here to download the audio file)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Episode 5 (Oregon driver, McDonalds, chickens, garden, ninja)

There! It's done again! Episode 5 is all hot and bothered! No, wait... I mean it's all hot and ready, like a pizza! Now get back to work. :)

(or just click here to download the audio file)

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Episode 5... is gonna be a couple more days. :(

Sometimes things happen. Shower faucets leak, causing shower floors and stalls to need to be replaced. Homework is due. Employer wants you to show up for work if they're gonna pay you. Gear shifters decide to not move out of "Park". You know, regular stuff.

Don't worry!

Episode 5 is all recorded. I just need to finish cleaning up the audio a little, and then I'll upload it. Until then, head over to Librivox and subscribe to a nice public-domain audio book. I recorded some stuff over there. They have some gems. :)